Earning criminal justice degrees online
Criminal justice programs can prepare you for a wide variety of careers. Several accredited online colleges as well as on-campus programs offer this major, with degrees ranging from certificates to master's. With a criminal justice degree, you might become a forensic scientist, a police officer, a private investigator or a legal secretary.
These degrees can also be the starting point for lawyers or criminal justice administrative positions. Courses show you how the legal system works and how to manage security and organizations in the system. You can also choose an emphasis and work more toward police training or administrative management roles. Specializations in the field can help you move forward in your career choice, so if you are looking to be a paralegal, specific classes can help you follow that path.
Fields of justice
Here are some examples of the careers this degree could lead to, with the corresponding median annual wages reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2010. Criminal justice and law enforcement teachers earn a median wage of $59,500. If paralegal is more your cup of tea, it is a field growing much faster than the average job, with a median salary of around $46,000. As a police or sheriff's patrol officer, you can earn around $53,500, with the chance to move up in the ranks for higher pay.
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