Go for the gold with accredited online general studies degrees
While stereotypes of uncertain futures and lack-luster ambitions may have plagued liberal arts students in the past, graduates in the field of general studies are earning more money than ever before. What makes higher salaries possible for these graduates is earning their degree, whether that's through public or private universities, community colleges or accredited online degree programs.
Liberal arts and general studies earning potential
Between 2004 and 2007, starting salary offers for liberal arts and science majors increased by nearly 10 percent from $29,713 to $32,169, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In more technical areas, such as economics, general studies graduates' starting salary offers increased by more than 17 percent.
General studies degrees also enable holders to enjoy access to a variety of jobs, including those with upward mobility. For example, managers enjoy more job security and higher salaries--often more than $100,000 annually, depending upon the field.
Experts agree that getting the degree is key
In an update published by the BLS, author and speaker Donald Asher is quoted as saying, "A general college degree is the major entry-level credential you need…Employers are looking for the skills a candidate has to offer."
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