Earn accredited Human Services degrees online
Are you interested in a career in Human Services? Perhaps you are already working in that field and want to advance. Online degrees from Associate to PhD are available from several accredited colleges and universities. Your job description may also be called "social work," because you have a strong interest in helping people with challenges who aren't able to find solutions themselves.
Obtaining Human Services degrees means learning about subjects, such as:
- family and relationship services
- child welfare
- citizens with disabilities
- life-threatening disease support systems
- mental health and community resources
- vocational guidance
- volunteer health and social welfare organizations
- human services education
- alcohol and drug addiction services
- social rehabilitation
- elder care
Your work may be overseeing volunteers for a non-profit organization; working with the physically or mentally challenged in hospitals, universities, government or industry. All of these fields need people trained in helping the less fortunate, navigate through a maze of services and agencies.
You can pursue studies to become specialized in a particular field of Human Services. Accredited online degrees let you continue earning while you learn. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job growth for social workers is expected to grow at a greater than average pace through 2018. This is an opportune time for you to pursue an Human Services online degree.