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A medical field with patience, but no patients
If you have an interest to work in the medical field, but don't want to work directly with patients, medical coding and billing may be a prime option for you. Medical coding and billing requires attention to detail, time management, and the ability to meet deadlines. There are several accredited online college programs that offer degrees in this field.
The right degree for you
Medical coding and billing degrees can range from certificate level to associate degrees. Even these can be specialized. You can acquire an associate degree in medical billing and insurance coding, where you learn all the medical terminology, procedures, and insurance billing and coding, as well as office administration. Or you could go for a degree in health care administration/medical billing and coding, which focuses on computer operations, medical terminology, critical thinking, and health care insurance and accounting skills.
Code green: where the money's at
Jobs in the medical field are growing at a much faster rate than the average job and are in high demand. Working for a federal executive branch in this field can earn you on average $42,800 per year. If physicians' offices are more your style, they offer set hours, and slightly less pay, with an average of $26,200, but they often come with other perks, such as free doctor visits for the staff.
Whichever route you chose, this job puts you in the medical field, without direct patient contact.
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